Archive for September, 2011

Super Simple Kitchen Chalkboard

The past two weeks have been crazzzzzy town, so I apologize for being a blog slacker. Thank you to those who check in regularly and feel free to remind me that I’ve been slacker-slackystine in the comments. I’ve been working insane hours but on a badass campaign, so I really can’t complain too much. On top of that, we leave for our Italy vacation on Tuesday, so prepare to hear crickets for another two weeks. Although I’m turning my Blackberry O, F, F, I am taking my iPad, so I’ll try to provide a few updates along the trip. 4 days in Florence and 4 days in Rome. ekkkkk! This is our first trip to Europe so I have no idea what to expect. I just know there are several bottles of red wine with my name on em’.

So not only have I been a blog slacker recently, I’ve also been a life/wife/friend slacker. Call me old school, but something I really look forward to every day is sitting down, eating dinner and talking about my day with JD. For 20 minutes, the TV is off, computers are shut, Blackberries are flipped over (so they can’t flash that annoying “look at me!!!” red light) and iPad’s are sleeping. It’s just us… and Bo bugging us for scraps of course. However, with crazy schedules this lovely little timeout sometimes falls through the cracks and before we know it, we’re eating fast food and cereal on the sofa.

Since I’m a die hard list maker (I honestly have a “Life To Do” list), I decided to make a dinner menu list and hang it in the kitchen to keep us on schedule. Since our countertops are black, I thought a chalkboard would look really cool and be super simple to make and update. I was right. I simply took a piece of wood (pretty sure this came from the TV stand turned bench) and spray painted it with chalkboard spray paint. So without further ado, here’s the super simple chalkboard dinner menu…

Chalkboard Menu

We’re in week 2 of this experiment and it’s working brilliantly! As you can see, this week’s menu is so simple, to ensure we stay on track. I definitely recommend making your list obtainable, or it will probably become just a cool chalkboard in your kitchen.

Speaking of cool chalkboards, check these out. The entire wall in this kitchen was turned into a chalkboard and I absolutely LOVE IT. I’m on day 2 of convincing JD that we need this. He’s not quite sold yet. How does that saying go again, “It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for…?” 🙂

With our kitchen layout, the chalkboard wall would actually look more like this…

What do you guys think… are chalkboard walls just a trend or timeless? Drop me a line in the comments please 🙂

September 17, 2011 at 11:48 am 2 comments

Thanks Dunphy’s!

I love shopping online. I could stop this post now and be satisfied. Yep… that’s how much I love browsing online stores, finding something I love and clicking that beautiful little purchase button. All from the comfort of The Bumpass I’m able to skip the lines, the not-available-in-my-size disappointment and the dreaded 30 minute drive to the nearest store (don’t worry… I’m not going to start complaining). Although I know the FedEx guy has to hate my guts (because I’m always his last stop and probably the only reason he has to drive to BFE) I hope I’m able to brighten his day a little when I meet him at the door with my “gimme-gimme-gimme” smile. You should’ve seen me the day he brought me my sewing machine, I almost hugged him… but since I want him to come back and not dodge “the creepy girl’s” house, I decided against it.

Anywho, you can image my excitement when I came home the other day to my Pottery Barn duvet cover and shams beautifully displayed on my front porch steps. You must be thinking “Dang… her Fedex guy rocks! Well he does, but I’m totally kidding. How awesome/creepy would it be though if this is what we came home to instead of a boring white box? I think I’m on to something here…

Pottery Barn Painterly Paisley Duvet Cover Porcelain Blue

Does this duvet cover look familiar? Here’s a hint: it’s typically seen in another modern family’s home… got it yet? It’s the same duvet cover that Claire and Phil Dunphy have on Modern Family! Believe it or not, when I first saw it, I paused the TV and said “LOVVVE! I bet that’s Pottery Barn!” And to my surprise it was! So I immediately signed up for Pottery Barn’s promotional emails and waited for a sale to pop up. As every good shopper knows, good things come to those who wait and I was able to get this bad boy 15% off!

Pottery Barn Modern Family

A little over a year ago I painted our bedroom “Tide Pools” by Behr. It’s the most soothing green/blue/light teal ever BUT I’ve had the hardest time finding a duvet cover to coordinate.. until now! This duvet cover was made for these walls – honestly, I don’t think I could have picked a better match. Thanks for looking out, PB!

This is my second Pottery Barn duvet cover and I have to tell you folks… they don’t disappoint. I fully anticipate having this sucker for many years to come!

September 2, 2011 at 10:10 am 3 comments


Welcome to Sweetnest! My name is Jamie and I'm on a mission to make my life and home a bit sweeter, one DIY project at a time.


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