Archive for June, 2011

Lead Ahead

I know eating lead paint chips can hurt kill you but until recently I didn’t know what limited exposure to lead paint could do to you. Google it and you will not want to come within 50 feet of the stuff. It’s kind of like using WebMD to search “headache” or “lower back pain”. Within 2 minutes, you’ve self diagnosed yourself with cancer and/or a brain tumor. All kidding aside, if you’re working with lead paint, definitely research it heavily and follow the EPA guidelines (which I think recommends hiring a professional)…says the DIYer  🙂

Why all the lead paint chatter, you may be thinking?  I recently bought a very old (guessing early 1900’s) shutter from an antique shop and plan to strip it, paint it and turn it into wall art. The beauty in a good DIYer is that you can see the beauty in something even when people (or your husband) call it “junk”. Due to it’s age and appearance, I had a hunch this was lead paint but wanted to be certain, so I purchased a lead paint tester from Lowes for $26! Coming from the gal who will not spend over $30 for a DIY project, this was a lot.

As soon as I got home from Lowes, I suited up and tested this bad boy. Results were (drum roll please….) positive. whamp, whamp, whamp….

According to the instructions, if the swab on the tester or the paint chip turns pink or red then lead is present in the paint. This tester didn’t show the exact amount of lead present, but can one guess that pink is low and red is high? Any thoughts here? (As a disclaimer please do your own research/contact a professional for advice.)

The yellow/orange tester swab on the left is negative. The tester on the right is positive.

So now that the truth was on the table (or in this case shutter), it was time to get down to business. The research that I did, advised against chipping the paint as this causes dust, so I bought one can of Jasco Paint Remover (thinking it would do the job…).

Wearing very thick protective gloves and a face mask, I sprayed the remover liberally all over the shutter. I watched and waited for about 10 minutes, geeking out a little at how it kicked the paint’s butt. Scrapping the paint off had a major cool factor to me because I was totally one of the kids that put glue all over her hands in second grade just to be able to slowly peel it off. (Come on, admit it, you know you did it too!) The not-so-cool part was that the paint remover only took off two layers. Little did I know there were three plus layers of lead paint underneath it.

Needless to say, I’ll be back at Lowe’s tomorrow for another can or 5.

June 30, 2011 at 12:34 pm 1 comment

Going coastal

So Rehoboth didn’t happen but Lewes Beach did and boy…what a charming little town. Saturday was absolutely perfect and full of DIY inspiration. As soon as you enter this quaint coastal town, you’re greeted by stunning historic houses and adorable boutique shops and restaurants. There were several moments that it felt kind of Charleston-ish… I even passed a couple having a conversation about how much it reminded them of Charleston, SC. Within 10 minutes I was ready to pack up the Bumpass and head north (wait, that doesn’t say much does it?)

Our first stop was the Sea glass Festival in historic downtown. If you’re not familiar with sea glass, it’s simply little pieces of glass that the ocean and sand tumble, smooth and frost. Although several of the vendors at the festival use it to make jewelry, there were also some really creative uses displayed – including mosaic pictures and wind chimes. Although I’m never this proactive, I bought my first Christmas gift of the year for one special lady. I hope she likes them 🙂

After we got our sea glass on, we started exploring the town and ran into a fabulous antique shop. Even before we walked in, I fell in love with a shutter propped up against the shop. I have big plans for it but will need to dedicate an entire post to it and all it’s (lead paint) drama.

Inside the shop was completely overwhelming. Wait, that’s a total understatement. It actually made me dizzy. I loved the “simplify” sign juxtaposed with the clutter – somehow that made it feel better. But honestly, this picture doesn’t do it justice. There was floor to ceiling “treasures” and we managed to find a few pieces that I’m itching to revamp. Not sure where they will live in my house or if they will be gifts after they’re revamped. Any takers? (Lead paint shutter is off the table)

Our next two stops were completely unexpected but that’s what window shopping will do to you. We had every intention of hitting the next antique shop on the block, but a hot pink chiffon shirt literally pulled us in. We left with matching shirts and adorable bangles. Thanks Mom! (please don’t wear your shirt to work on Thursday. If I see you, I will walk the other way!) 🙂

We ended the trip with another taste of Charleston. Cocktails in mason jars? Come on Delaware, you’re totally going Southern on us.

All in all, a great trip with tons of DIY inspiration!

June 28, 2011 at 10:54 pm Leave a comment

Decisions, Decisions…

Since I’m heading to Rehoboth Beach this weekend for some much deserved R&R, there will be no DIY progress to report. I can assure you though, that one thing will be on my mind the entire time… paint colors for next week’s projects! I still haven’t decided on a color for my wicker table or Adirondack chairs. I’m thinking grey or light green for the table and white for the chairs but who knows, maybe the beach will inspire me to go blue!

The first project is an old wicker vanity than I’m turning into a table for the upstairs hallway. I took off the mirror recently and discovered it’s a pretty fancy table and boy do I love the detail on the bottom. I’m not a huge wicker fan anymore, but I think after some TLC, she’s going to shine! I put a couple things on the table to help visualize it in action but am still deciding if catty-cornered or flush against the wall works best.

I also recently started working on fixing up our “new” Adirondack chairs or as JD calls them, our new Telletubbies furniture. Ok, Ok, the paint is a little much but we basically got them for free and after a VERY good sanding job and a more…subtle paint color, they will be a fresh new addition to our boring deck. I’m also thinking outdoor pillows or seat cushions would be a nice touch…

Have a great weekend y’all!

June 24, 2011 at 1:44 am 1 comment

Sittin’ Pretty

sweetnest white bench

As I mentioned in my post below, I’ve been at a loss for years on what to do with this ugly-not-needed TV stand. Although, me and JD’s morning bickering (over who gets the one seat in our bedroom) had me thinking about adding a bench, the idea to transform it first came to me while I was working out in our home “gym”/non-air conditioned room that I continue to pile junk in (including said TV Stand). Perhaps it was the Britney or the Black Eyed Peas I was listening to while working out, but I immediately felt inspired to revamp it. So I jumped off the elliptical, threw all of the junk off the stand and quickly pushed it down the hall, stopping at the end of my bed. I geeked out at its potential for about 5 minutes and then realized I had a lot to learn to turn this beast into a beauty. I quickly did a little research and then headed to Home Depot and Joann Fabric with my to do list in hand: Sand, Prime, Paint, Sew Cushion (and include piping… yikes!).

I could have easily paid $200+ for a new bedroom bench, but this DIYer only paid $50 buckaroos! Here’s how I did it…

The Bench
Step 1: I started this project by sanding the entire bench to take off the clear top coat (I know that’s nail polish lingo, but go with me) and sand down the wood where the cabinet hinges were. I then used a damp rag to remove all of the dust and clean for priming.

Step 2: Using Rust-Oleum’s White 2X Painter-Touch Primer I primed the entire bench twice. This wood really soaked up the primer, so I used 3 cans total. I let the primer completely dry before painting. Patience (which I have very little of) is really key here.

Step 3: Paint, baby, paint! I opted for an off white paint and found Rust-Oleum’s Heirloom White Spray Paint to be the perfect color. Due to my stellar primer, I only had to use 2 cans to get an ideal coverage. Tip: Invest in a spray can handle! Your pointer finger will thank you.
Rust-oleum products from The Home Depot

Step 4: After the paint was fully dry, I applied a clear protective finish. I’ve used spray versions before but was really happy with Rust-Oleum’s Clear Gloss paint. I also bought a really nice 2″ Purdy brush that allowed me to easily apply a thin layer to the entire bench.


The Seat Cushion
While learning how to paint is fairly simple, sewing and operating a sewing machine is absolutely not. You need to either heavily research or find a really good teacher. Luckily, I have the latter – my wonderful and very talented mom!

Mom and I found everything we needed for this project at Joann Fabric – foam, fabric, piping and thread. We calculated that we needed about 5 yards of fabric, but actually had a good amount left over to make pillows with! I’m not really a matchy-matchy person but I love this teal fabric.

Step 1: I cut the foam to the specific dimensions of my bench first using an X-Acto knife but then resorting to scissors. Joann’s can cut the length but not the width for you.
Foam from Joann's Fabric

Step 2: I then measured and cut the bottom and top piece of the cushion fabric, leaving enough room for the seam. (In the picture below I’m measuring the fabric for the piping, but you can see the fabric for my cushion below it)

Step 3: Add piping. For those not familiar with it, piping is simply a type of trim that helps add a border. For a new sewer, I have to admit that the thought of adding piping was super scary, but in looking at professionally made cushions, I quickly decided it was must-have.

I started by cutting fabric for the piping and then placed the cord in the middle of the fabric.

To sew the piping in the fabric, I carefully sewed directly to the right of the piping. It’s important to sew as close to the piping as possible, so it’s tight and well… just looks like sturdy trim. Note: This is my very first sewing project, so bare with me as I learn the lingo.

Piping on handmade seat cushion

Step 4: Before sewing the piping to the top fabric, I carefully pinned the piping as a guide. Once pinned, I pushed the pedal to the metal (hah! get it?) and sewed the piping to the top. Then, much like a pillow, I sewed the facing top and bottom pieces together making sure to leave enough room to insert the foam (Forgot to take a picture of this, sorry!). After inserting the foam, I loosely hand stitched the last seem and then ran it under the sewing machine to ensure it was tightly closed.

So TADA!! Here’s the fully completed bench in our bedroom. I woke up on Monday to JD sitting on the bench putting his shoes on. I smiled from ear to ear (and then yawned) and said “I did that!”

Since I’m still a newbie please leave tips or any words of wisdom you have 🙂

White bench in bedroom

June 23, 2011 at 12:44 am 6 comments

Seats taken!

Before I start my hunt for new DIY projects, I want to start with my few pieces of furniture that aren’t getting any love these days. JD and I bought this TV stand for our house in Christiansburg and aside from the ugly color it worked fine! In our new house, the TV sits above the fireplace so I was at a loss for what to do with this left-cabinet-broken-nob TV stand (battle wound from the move). I have trouble parting with furniture. It’s kind of like when you had to throw/give away stuffed animals as a teenager (or 24-year-old) and feel horrible for days…. R.I.P. “Bunny”.

Last week JD and I were having our usual fight over the only seat in our bedroom. Since it’s part of “my” vanity and I’m usually sitting in it when he needs it, I figure it’s probably best to add more seating, so one of my favorite and most used marriage phrase “what’s yours is mine” doesn’t come back to haunt me.

So… Tada! Feast your eyes on my new bedroom bench! Ok, I know DIY doesn’t mean moving a piece of junky furniture into a new room. I’m in the final stages of revamping this bad boy, so look for the how-to and before & after pictures early next week!

June 18, 2011 at 2:06 pm 1 comment

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Welcome to Sweetnest! My name is Jamie and I'm on a mission to make my life and home a bit sweeter, one DIY project at a time.


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